Secure your Inheritance
Secure your Inheritance

When it comes to distributing your assets you should decide who you want them to go to.
Therefore it is important that you have a Will in place so that your possessions are safe even when you have passed away and that they do not go to a waste and your family or friends can inherit them in the upcoming future.
Your estate will include your savings, car and house and any other possessions which you may own at the time.
Here are 6 reasons as to how your family or anyone else can inherit your possessions:
Making a Will
- It is your own decision as to who you want your estate to go to.
- It is very important that you store your will securely so that yourself or family members know where it is when it is needed. If for some reason the will cannot be found then the Government Rules will decide as to who will inherit your estate.
- We are always here to help you make the correct Will and make sure your Will is stored safely also up to date whenever it is needed.
Future Care Fees
- Is a big issue for most of us if you fail to prepare for it then you may face reductions in your estate and family members may not be able to inherit it.
- If you are divorced legally and then change your will you will not face any issues.
- If you were to leave your married child a part of the estate and then later you got divorced half of that estate may go to your ex daughter or son-in- law within the divorce settlement.
Future Spouse
- If you were to pass away your surviving spouse or partner could remarry again.
- If this was the case and they got divorced then half of the estate could end up with their new spouse which was supposedly meant to go to your children and it could cause problems for them as they may not inherit to the estate which you had left for them.
Blended Families
- Inheritance of children in "blended families" is at more risk because when you have passed away your partner or spouses relationship with the children can suddenly change.
- This could result in the partner or spouse changing the will and leaving everything to "their" children and "your" child/children could be left with very little amounts of the estate or nothing at all.
Unmarried Partners
- if there is no will your unmarried partner will not be known as your next of kin as these rules are different from married couples.
This would mean that what you wanted to leave for them may go to someone else depending on the circumstances and your partner could be left with a little amount of the share or nothing at all.
© 2022 Yorkshire Wills & Probate Ltd
Innovation Way, Barnsley, S75 1JL
0330 383 0027